Aligning neural network representations with human similarity judgments

Recent research in the space of representation learning has demonstrated the usefulness of aligning neural network representations with human similarity judgments for both machine learning (ML) downstream tasks and the Cognitive Sciences (see here, here, and here for references). While harmonized models or models fine-tuned using the DreamSim objective are models whose weights were trained or fine-tuned to be human-aligned (and as such count as aligned models), there are ways to separate alignment from (pre-)training and post-align the features of a base model (such as CLIP) while preserving the representation structure of the base model.


If you want to post-align the extracted representations with human object similarity according to the approach introduced in Improving neural network representations using human similiarty judgments you can optionally align the extracted features using the following method:

aligned_features = extractor.align(

Since that kind of alignment simply applies an affine transformation to a model’s representation space, it is computationally incredibly cheap. For now, representational alignment is only implemented for gLocal and for the following list of models: clip_RN50, clip_ViT-L/14, OpenCLIP_ViT-L-14_laion400m_e32, OpenCLIP_ViT-L-14_laion2b_s32b_b82k dinov2-vit-base-p14, dinov2-vit-large-p14, dino-vit-base-p16, dino-vit-base-p8, resnet18, resnet50, vgg16, alexnet. However, we intend to extend both the type of representational alignment and the range of models in future versions of thingsvision.

Caution: For the ImageNet-trained models resnet18, resnet50, vgg16, and alexnet gLocal does not achieve a best-of-both-worlds-representation for ML downstream tasks and human alignment. While gLocal significantly improves alignment with human similarity judgments for these models, it deteriorates their ML downstream task performance (such as few-shot learning and out-of-distribution detection). Hence, it does not transform the features into a best-of-both-worlds-represenation space as it does for CLIP-like models. If you are not interested in ML downstream task performance, you can safely ignore this.